What to do with left overs? The age old question.
If you are like me, you cook for an army and then your family is forced to eat left overs for several days and nights to come. So, here is my challenge . . . to change it up and keep their interest. Tonight it was Beef Stew left overs, so that became home made Pot Pies.
With very little cupboards space, I don't have extra space for dishes like individualized ramakins. So how did I accomplish pot pies for each plate? Easy answer . . . muffin tins.
Be sure to use cooking spray prior to placing your bottom pie crust into the tins. I slightly cooked and cooled those crusts before scooping in the stew. Topping each pie off with a crust layer before baking a bit longer.
Gently I lifted each pie outof the tin using a wide spoon and a butter knife and walla . . . individual pot pies.
Even the pickiest of eaters love these cute eats. And don't forget the coconut oatmeal cookies to follow!